Resident Evil: Retribution(2012) is an upcoming 2012 science-fiction thriller film written and directed by Paul W. S. Anderson. It is the fifth installment in the Resident Evil film series, based on the Capcom survival horror video game series Resident Evil, and the third to be directed by Anderson. The film has many returning actors and characters, along with new characters from the video game not featured in the previous films. Filming took place from October to December 2011 for a scheduled release date of September 14, 2012.The film will be released in 3D and IMAX 3D, as well as 2D .
Resident Evil: Retribution(2012) Details :
Release date : September 14, 2012 .
Running time : 117 minutes[1]
Country : United States ,Canada ,Germany .
Language : English .
Filming locations : New York City, Tokyo, and Red Square in Moscow .
Resident Evil: Retribution(2012) Storyline :
The Umbrella Corporation's deadly T-virus continues to ravage the Earth, transforming the global population into legions of the flesh eating Undead. The human race's last and only hope, Alice, awakens in the heart of Umbrella's most clandestine operations facility and unveils more of her mysterious past as she delves further into the complex.
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