The Words is a 2012 thriller film, written and directed by Brian Klugman and Lee Sternthal in their directorial debut. It stars Bradley Cooper, Olivia Wilde, Zoe Saldana, Jeremy Irons, Ben Barnes, and Dennis Quaid. The words download link !!!
Official Sites: Official site .
Country: USA .
Language: English .
Running Time: 96 minutes .
Release Date: 7 September 2012 (USA) .
Also Known As: El ladron de palabras .
Filming Locations: Montréal, Québec, Canada .
Source : Imdb & Wikipedia .
The Words Storyline :
Layered romantic drama The Words follows young writer Rory Jansen who finally achieves long sought after literary success after publishing the next great American novel. There's only one catch - he didn't write it. As the past comes back to haunt him and his literary star continues to rise, Jansen is forced to confront the steep price that must be paid for stealing another man's work, and for placing ambition and success above life's most fundamental three words.
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